Tiger Twin Tails - Flouro Pink 6 inch pack of 10

Price: £9.36

Flouro Pink 6" Tiger Twin Tails. As with the Orange version, these lure are excellent for hopping for Cod over rough ground around mid channel wrecks. 

They have also proved effect for summer Pike on pressured waters as they are far from the norm as far as lures go.

Use with a Jig Head (see relevent section) and bounce them along the bottom.

Sold in pack of 10

Notice by Matthew and Steve Adams

Our father Paul Adams had a heart attack at the end of July, and sadly passed away at the beginning of August.  For the time being we will not process new orders.

Any orders placed but not yet shipped will receive a full refund.  Please email us to request this, but please allow time for us to process these emails as we are also making other difficult arrangements.  

We as a family appreciate your understanding at this time.

Please Email us on:  p.radams@btopenworld.com - we will get back to you in due course.