Sold under various names, these hooks are one of the best on the market for UK waters. Made in Japan, these hooks are ideal for all aspects of boat fishing in UK waters. For Cod, Bass, Pollack, Skate, Huss, Dogs, even Conger.
For winter Cod rigs when using big pennel baits, the 8/0 Manta extra can be coupled with the 8/0 Sakuma 543 Pennel hook. This will ensure big Cod baits are secured, Squid, Cuttle and big worm cocktails can be presented perfectly with little chance of the hook point being masked by the bait.
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These super strong pennel rig hooks feature a `Turned Back Eye`, are fantastically sharp and are ideal for all winter fishing when big baits for Cod are the order of the day.
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The ultimate shore fishing hooks. Fine wire, super strong, super sharp. First choice for Bass, Cod, Plaice, Sole, Hounds, Eels, Skate and all flatfish.
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Fantastic general purpose hook. Ideal for worm baits for all species of fish.
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These superb Match hooks offer fine wire, are super sharp and are ideal for delicate presentation of small baits.
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Heavy forged, wide gape, Black Nickel finish.
Perfect hooks for float fishing for Mullet, Bass, Wrasse. Also good for Bream over the wrecks where small baits are the order of the day.
Also for Barbel, Carp, Tench and Chub. Hooks of this quality cost this much for a pack of 10 !
Why more people do not use these I do not understand, they are brilliant hooks
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Black Nickel finish, offset point, Forged fine wire. Great hooks for Bream rigs for boat fishing. Also very effective when drifting for Plaice as they help reduce snagging on the bottom.
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Eagle Claw circle hooks are extremely sharp. They are fantastic hooks for those of us who wish to return fish unharmed as the fish is always hooked in the corner of the mouth.
When fishing Circle hooks, always let the bite develope and instead of STRIKING into the fish, simply wind into it then lift the rod to set the hook. 9 times out of 10 the fish will be hooked in the corner of the mouth.
When fishing worm baits with Circle hooks, bait up using a needle, it takes a little getting used to but after a while it is easy.
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The UK standard big fish hook. Shore and Boat, this is possibly the most used hook for Conger, Tope and Skate in the UK.
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Pennell rig hooks with down turned eye. These are the top hooks on your pennell rig.
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Mustad Vikings are still a solid and reliable hook today even though they have been around for years. For all situations when larger fish are liable, you can rely on these hooks. For Pennell rigs, team these with the 79510 hooks.
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These trebles are a must for fishing Norway and Iceland for the big Cod on pirks. Attach these trebles to your pirks using our 220lb Rasco split rings. Seriously big treble hooks.
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A top quality hook, made in Japan. These Sakuma hooks are super strong and super sharp. This patern has two small bait holding barbs at the top of the shank, perfect for Squid, Cuttle of fish baits. The barbs aid good bait presentation.
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Keep your hook points in top condition ensuring you do not miss any bites by honing the points every now and then especially when fishing over rocks or shingle
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After a long time searching for good circle hooks at good prices, I am pleased with the pattern we offer. Strong, reliable and at a very good price.
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Box of 25 x 8/0 bronze O`Shaunessy hooks. Top quality hooks but not at Mustad prices. You will not be disappointed with these hooks, I know as I have tried them myself this year catching Tope to 52lb on them with no problems at all.
Note: they do need sharpening with a file or sharpening stone but all of this type of hook are the same. That`s twenty five 8/0 O`shaunessys, half the price of Mustads.
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For big Cod and Halibut in Norway, these hooks are the buisness. Pack of 10 black nickel finish top quality hooks.
Coming soon : Halibut rigs ready made for your trips to Norway.
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This Mustad Aberdeen covers all aspects for shore fishing being suitable for Sole, Bass, Cod, Wrasse in fact just about anything we will encounter on the UK shore except Conger which might prove a challenge for these hooks. Other than Conger and Tope use these hooks with every confidence.
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