End of line, second hand products offered at a reduced price to clear.
A used 4oz Zip Lead Mould in perfect condition. This mould produces two 4oz leads in one pour.
Use small stainless loops for this mould, standard brass loops can be squeezed with pliers to fit this mould.
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A used 4.5oz Zip Lead Mould in perfect condition. This mould produces two 4.5oz leads in one pour.
Use small stainless loops for this mould, standard brass loops can be squeezed with pliers to fit this mould.
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A used 6oz Zip Lead Mould in perfect condition. This mould produces one 6oz lead.
Use small stainless loops for this mould, standard brass loops can be squeezed with pliers to fit this mould.
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This is the original DCA 150g Beach Bomb Mould, very few of these about now days. Use a short tail wire with this mould.
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A used 5oz Zip Lead Mould in perfect condition. This mould produces two 5oz leads in one pour.
Use small stainless loops for this mould, standard brass loops can be squeezed with pliers to fit this mould.
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A used 1 + 2oz Zip Lead Mould in perfect condition. This mould produces two leads in one pour, a 1oz and 2oz. This is the orginal DCA twin cavity mould..
Use small stainless loops for this mould, standard brass loops can be squeezed with pliers to fit this mould.
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Two cavity watch lead mould second hand producing 4oz and 5oz watch leads.
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2oz Dumpy Distance Carp lead Mould, use standard Lead loops with this mould
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2.5oz Dumpy Distance Carp lead Mould, use standard Lead loops with this mould
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Four Cavity 1.5oz Zip Lead mould. Use small stainless loops with this mould.
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10oz Torpedo Mould, use short tail wires for this mould
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6oz Pastie Gripper mould, use standard lead loops with this mould.
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Second hand 4oz Dumpy Distance two cavity mould. Use standard Black Lead loops with this mould.
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Second hand Drennal FD-3000 fixed spool reels, three of them. Great little reels with an excellent drag system. Ideal for kids and adults as a good general purpose float fishing reel.
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These Drennan FD-4000 reels have seen very little use as always used the FD-3000. Both supplied with two spare spools
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The Series 7 Float Fishing Reel is a rear drag reel. This one used once as always used the FD-3000.
Supplied with two spare spools
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