DB Angling Supplies offer all manor of fishing tackle for coarse and sea angling, beach and boat as well as a large selection of tackle for those anglers travelling to Norway to fish for giant Halibut and Cod. We also offer a large selection of equipment to allow you the customer to make his own fishing gear and save a fortune. Lead Moulds for Carp Leads, Beach Leads, Boat Leads, Pirk Moulds, Jig Head Moulds are all available on the site. We also supply lead loops for all the different style of lead moulds, jig hook, swivels, back lead clips, long and short tail wires, Carp Lead powder coating in many different colours.
We also manufacture large quantities of beach leads, boat leads, Carp leads, pirks etc for those who choose not to make their own.
We also supply a large amount of float making equipment, Peacock Quills, Porqupine Quills, Balsa Float Bodies, Cork Float Bodies, Cork Pike Float Bodies, Cork Dumpy Sliders, Cork Pilot Float are available ready for you to assemble and make your own floats. We supply metalic whipping cottons, eyed insters, whip on eyes etc to finish your floats. We also offer advice free of charge on all aspects of float making, having made my own floats for fourty years I know a thing or two about this particular hobby.
Next in line is our range of Jig Heads / Lead Heads for both fresh water and sea fishing. From 1/8th oz up to 24oz at this time, soon to be up to 32oz. We manufacture these to very high spec and take great pride in supplying top quality jig heads for all aspects of fishing. 90% of our jigs are powder coated and baked, them eyes are added and a resin coat glues them in place for good. The finish is as good as enywhere in the world and in many cases better than you buy in the shops.
Our range of accessories include Mustad, Sakuma, Eagle Claw, VMC hooks in all sizes from size 6 to 14/0. Beach leads plain and gripper with or without bait clips. Boat Leads are Pears, Arsley Bombs, Gilling Leads, Bopedo Leads, Watch Leads, Egg Sinkers, Drilled Bullets, Trolling Sinkers, Pyrimid Leads, Beach Bombs etc. Coming soon coloured attractor leads for summer time flat fish etc.
Our range of tackle for Norway is very extensive and well know amongst anglers who travel there. The focus with tackle for Norway is quality, top quality components used to produce top quality terminal tackle used to catch huge Halibut, Coalfish and Cod in Norway.
Finally, I am and have been for over fifty years a fisherman. Fresh Water, Beach, Boat, Game, Big Game, Carp, Roach, Pike, river, lake and gravel pit, I have fished them all. My favourite fishing now is Halibut fishing in Norway, heart stopping is how I would describe it at times, it is just so exciting.
Finally, advice is free, if you have a question ive me a call and I will do my best to help.